EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing.
It is a powerful psychological treatment method that has been extensively scientifically researched and is proven effective for the treatment of trauma.
NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) and WHO (World Health Organization) recommend EMDR treatment for treating post-traumatic stress disorder.
EMDR has been found to successfully treat a wide array of issues, including phobias, anxiety, low self-esteem and distress. If you hold a memory from the past that is currently upsetting you, then it is likely that EMDR can help.
How does EMDR work?
Usually we digest and process life experiences naturally.
But in distressing situations a persons capacity can become overwhelmed and the ability of the brain to process the information affected. On a neurological level the distressing memory can become stuck. This can present itself in distressing intrusive thoughts, disturbing dreams, avoidance of reminders and difficulty in being able to move on from the past.
If a person has been unable to process an event by themselves, EMDR can be a useful tool to help the reprocessing of their memory. It does this in part by stimulating brain processing using eye movements (or other bi-lateral stimulation).
In an EMDR session, the client is shown eye movements, similar to the rapid eye movement (REM) that occur naturally whilst in dream sleep. In REM a persons eyes rapidly move from side to side and deep neurological processing takes place. Likewise through EMDR the alternating left-right stimulation of the brain through the eye movements seems to activate the frozen or blocked information processing system and reactivates a person’s innate ability to recover.
In the process the distressing memories lose their intensity.
EMDR is natural, safe and effective.
For further information and research please go to www.emdr.com.
I am an accredited member of the EMDR Association UK & Ireland and EMDR Europe. I have also completed the Flash Technique training (Philip Mansfield), and the Recent Incident and Group Protocol for EMDR